Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The big day

My day started at 3:45am on March 5th, 2009. I had a hard time sleeping the night before my surgery. I was a little bit nervous but not really scared.

I got up and took a shower. I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am so I needed to get going. I had to finish packing up my bag and get the kids lunches together for the day. I made Alex and Bryce's lunches and put little notes in them. I told them to have a great day at school and that I loved them very much.

I got Bernie out of bed at 4:30am. He needed to get up and get going so we could get to the hospital on time. My sister-in-law was supposed to be at our house about 4:55am-5am. Well, of course...she was late. I don't even know why I even asked her to help, she is never on time. We left our house at about 5:20 am. We were 5 minutes late getting to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, we were taken to the pre-operative surgery area and I had to be prepped for my surgery which was at 7:30am. The nurse had me change into my beautiful gown. My blood pressure, oxygen levels and temperature were checked. The nurse put my IV in. She only had to stick me once...yeah to her. I have such bad veins.

The anesthesiologist came in and told me that since I get so sick from medicine he will give me a spinal and see what I will need after surgery for pain control.

My doctor came in and told us that the surgery will only take an hour, then I will be in recovery for about an hour and then my husband can see me.

A nurse from the Operating Room came over to make sure I had everything needed in my chart and gave me my wonderful hat to put on. At 7:20am I was wheeled back to the Operating Room for my surgery.

I got the the OR and the anesthesiologist said "I just put some sedation in your IV you should feel tired soon." Right after he said that I was out sleeping. While I was sleeping he gave me my spinal anesthetic.

I woke up in the Recovery room at 10am. I guess I had been there for about 30 minutes. My surgery took 2 hours instead of 1 hour. My uterus was attached completely to my abdominal wall and bowels by adhesions from my previous c-sections and gallbladder surgery. I had a cyst on my left ovary that he removed and then sewed up my ovary.

I was having the most pain I have ever had in my life!!! The anesthesiologist immediately turned me over and gave me an epidural for pain control. I get very sick from morphine so he thought the epidural would work much better for me.

I got back to my room around 11:30 or so. I guess my mom was there and my mother-in-law also. I was throwing up every couple of minutes. Thank you sedation. My husband got to my room as soon as he picked up little Drew from school. I don't remember much other than I was throwing up like crazy so he took Drew for a walk around the hospital and let me rest for a while. Bernie went and picked up the boys from school at 3pm and they came to visit for a little while. I think they were only in the room for about 30 minutes...I was still throwing up.

I asked Bernie to take the boys home to do their homework. I couldn't visit and I was only getting sick and listening to them all talk at once would make my head hurt and then I would vomit. My mother-in-law and father-in-law and mom came back by around 6pm. Oh I wish they didn't. I hadn't thrown up since about 4pm and I was sleeping on and off. Everytime I went to talk, I threw up.

While all this was going on, the nurses kept calling the anesthesiologist and they kept giving my different drugs called anti-emetics to help with the vomiting. Finally later that night I was given the miracle drug and I stopped throwing up about 3am.

The nurses were in my room constantly checking on me. I found out the next day that they werre looking for internal bleeding because of the extent of cutting my doc had to do.

At 3am the nurse came in and I felt pretty good. I asked to sit on the end of the bed with my feet dangling. I was actually able to stand up for a minute.

Bernie came with Drew on Friday morning to see me. I was up sitting in a chair and actually eating a decent breakfast. I got up and took a shower later that day and the boys came to visit for a while after school. I walked the halls also that day.

The doc came in and told me that my uterus was a "nightmare" because my pelvic area looked like a bomb went off in it. Yeah!!! just what I wanted to hear. He told me that I could go home Saturday night if I continued to make progress.

I did well on Friday and Saturday morning came and I was able to pee and my bowels were moving around making gas. I was walking around a lot so my doc said he would write my discharge papers and I could go home anytime. So I called Bernie and told him to get to the hospital and get me out of here. I was tired of not resting enough.

I was home by lunch time.

My pathology came back and everything was fine other than I had severe adenomyosis in my uterus. Which is mostly why I was having so many problems.

I am at day 6 right now. I just had my first bm...I know tmi! I am only taking motrin every six hours and I am feeling much better.

What amazes me the most is how 12 hours of rest make a difference in your pain level and such. Every day I feel much better. I get tired whenever I do anything, but I am feeling better.

Thank you all for thinking of me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Count down

Tomorrow is my surgery. I am scheduled for 7:30 am. The doctor said the surgery should be about an hour and recovery will be an hour then I will be in a room.

I have my sister-in-law coming over in the morning at 5am to get the boys up and ready for school. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30am...YUK!

Melisa (my sil) will get the boys out of bed at 6:30 and on the bus at 7:30. Drew gets on his bus at 8:30am. Then she will pick Drew up at 11:15 and someone will pick up the boys at 3pm. She is chronically late but she has assurred me that she will be at my house at 5am tomorrow morning.

I have to make sure that Drew's clothes are laid out for the next 5 or so days because Bernie is color blind and needs help with matching. Alex and Bryce know what to wear, so I will not have any problems with that.

I need to make a list of the kids schedule for Bernie. He doesn't have a good memory.

I have some homework for my classes to finish up. I think that is going to take a good portion of the day today.

I want to clean the house again today. I have most of the laundry done again also.

So I'll have to let you know how I am doing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The count down is on...

I am scheduled to have surgery on Thursday morning. Even though it is very invasive, I am looking forward to it.

I cannot wait to start feeling better and to be able to lose my baby hump on my stomach. My uterus is enlarged so once it is removed I'll be able to work on that hump.

I also cannot wait for the break from kids and life for a few days. It is so sad that as a mom, I am excited to go to the hospital for a few days, just to get some rest.

I got all of my laundry done in the house. My husband and I cleaned our house from top to bottom this past weekend. I want a CLEAN house when I come home. But, of course it is only Monday and my boys have trashed it all ready. But at least floors are mopped, sheets are washed and we have decluttered a bit.

I'll keep you all posted and updated after my surgery.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy Lives

Tonight Alex starts boys volleyball practice. We just got done with boys basketball and now we are starting volleyball. I know he is very excited about playing another sport. Bernie is going to take him to his 1 1/2 hour practice.

Drew has a parent/child night at his school. The kids are going to "perform." I am excited about attending something at Drew's school. I'm not sure how Drew is going to perform but I guess we will see. I know if they are singing Drew will not be involved becaus he is non-verbal. We always had so many things going on that we are never able to attend Drew's things.

Bryce doesn't have much going on right now. He is going to start baseball in April, so we will be doing volleyball and baseball at the same time. I'm not sure how we are going to juggle it all, but I am sure we will do fine.

Then tomorrow night we have to attend Stations of the Cross at our church because Alex is an altar server and it is his night to work.

I want to get my homework done for this week and next week this weekend because I am having surgery next Thursday. I also want to clean my house from top to bottom. We will see how much I get done of that. Plus I am trying to work on our taxes. This is such a chore because of my daycare business. You know if I would just do the work each month I wouldn't have to spend so much time at the end of the year working on taxes.

I guess if we weren't busy our lives would be pretty boring. So I welcome this craziness into our lives.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Up and out of bed

What a morning. My kids actually got out of bed without me having to go to their rooms 3 times to get them up.

We are having such a wonderful day.

Bryce got dressed, his breakfast ready, and his backpack packed without me having to ask him every 5 minutes. Alex got up and took a shower, ate breakfast, made his lunch (he hasn't done that in over 4 months), got dressed and got his backpack packed up. What happened to my children? I like these new kids, I didn' thave to raise my voice one time this morning.

Today is going to be a GREAT day. It has been so cold and snowy and dark in the mornings that my kids never want to get out of bed. What a change. I hope this means that spring is around the corner. I know it starts to warm up a bit at the end of March so only about 4 more weeks of this crazy weather.

I could definately have many more mornings like today...Yeah!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a weekend

So I talked last week about the Thompson's Waterseal being poured on my basement floor. My husband came home on Friday night and told me that we need to evacuate the house because the odor was too strong. So he read the side of the can and yep we needed to get out of the house.

We opened all the windows to the house and packed up some clothes and went to grandma and grandpas house. They live 2 doors down from us. Bernie used mineral spirits to scrub down the cement.

Grandma and Grandpas house is nice....but HOT!!! I had the hardest time sleeping. Drew was up by 6am so I decided to walk home so he didn't wake grandma and grandpa. I go outside and we got 6 more inches of snow!!!! YUK

When I walked into the house it smelled like the mineral spirits so I opened a bunch of windows again. I aired out the house as much as I could. The odor is much better now, but still there. What can we do, it'll probably smell until springtime when we can open the windows a bit.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I was in the playroom in our basement with Drew and one of the girls I watch. I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and through the vent I could smell something strong.

I run down the stairs and somehow in the few minutes that I was upstairs, Drew got on a shelf and opened up a container of Thompson's Waterseal!!!! How in the heck did he get that open? It has a child safety cap on it!!! The Thompson's Waterseal is now on my basement floor.

I cannot get it out....My husband said once it dries it will probably just bead water!!!

What am I going to do with that boy.

Thank God it is Friday and I can laugh about this later with a bottle of wine!!!

Those darn ears....

Alex has been sick for 2 weeks now. I took him to the doctor last week because he was complaining of ear pain. The doctor said there was just congestion in his ear but no infection.

Yesterday the school called and said that Alex wasn't feeling well....his ear was hurting "really bad" can he come home? I told them since he didn't have a fever to send him back to class to make it through the day.

He came home last night and just laid around....he looked physically ill. So we are driving an hour back to the pediatricians office to have him take 20 seconds and $120 later to tell me that Alex now has an ear infection. UGH!!!

I am tired of my family being sick!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The News....

I do not have Cancer.....YEAH!!!!!

I had to wait in the office for 45 minutes to see the doctor.

I heard my doctor outside of my room talking about me to someone over the phone. I started to get really nervous. He came in 45 minutes later to tell me that the hospital forgot to fax the results of my blood work and biopsy results and he was just waiting for them to come over.

The biopsy showed no cancer. I am still having surgery on March 5th. The only way I am going to feel better is to have surgery.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is it a good day or bad day?

In about an hour I have to drive to town to see my gynecologist.

I will be finding out my biopsy results from last week. I am so nervous. I know that I do not have many risk factors against me.....but I am still very nervous.

My husband cannot come with me so I am going alone...with one of my daycare kids.

I made a huge list of questions for the doc to answer for my scheduled surgery. I am trying to get everything into place before the surgery. Which is only 2 weeks from tomorrow.....YIKES! I think I am going to make up some food for at least a week to freeze so all my dear husband has to do is warm it in the oven. I need to set out my 3 year olds clothes for 1 week because my husband is color blind. I have a lot to do to keep my mind off of "the surgery"

Well, I better get going I'll let you all know how it goes when I get home from "the appointment."

We will see if it is going to be a good day for me or a bad day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We need Spring!

What a weekend.....

I spent it being sick. Everyone in my family has been sick with a wicked cold for the last couple of weeks. I am really getting tired of feeling ill. Drew is finally feeling much much better. Alex is coughing and hacking still....Bryce said he doesn't feel well again today. UGH!!! And Bernie hasn't gotten much more than the sniffles. Lucky him huh.

I cannot wait for the warmer weather to kick in. I just saw the weather report and we are supposed to get more snow!!! Yuk. I feel like winter is never going to be over.

Spring where are you? Our family needs you so we can get healthy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

To join baseball or not to join baseball

This past week Alex and Bryce had to decide whether to do baseball during the summer.

Bryce is only in 1st grade so I just signed him up. I think the boys should at least try a sport so they can decide if they enjoy it or not. He seems to be excited about doing baseball for the first time. The only comment he made was "Will this mess with me playing soccer?" Too funny. Bryce loves soccer so much.

Alex was so funny too. Next year he will be going into 6th grade. So that means he will be in the "Bronco" league. That is the big time league for him. He asked me "Mom, do the kids pitch to you?" I told him yes they do and the balls do get much faster. He thought about it for a while and said, "I want to play and I don't want to play." I asked him what he meant by that. I wanted him to talk through his reasons. Then he says......"I don't want to play because I don't want to get pegged in the stomach or face with a ball." "And besides, I'm not very good at baseball and I think that by the Bronco league only the kids that are really good play baseball." I tried so hard not to laugh at his statement. He is my worry wart. He always worries about getting injured.

I am fine with him not playing. The boys would be both playing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights and we would have to be in town for 2 different games at two totally different locations. I know that there are parents that do this....I am just not one that really wants to.

Alex has tried karate, swimming, soccer, bowling, baseball, and basketball. So far he is really good at swimming and loves to play basketball. He has signed up to play boys volleyball through school. Next year he wants to do cross-country running with one of his friends. I am not going to force him to be in sports. I told him that it is okay to like to watch sports and not want to participate in them.

Bryce is 3 years younger than Alex and hasn't had the opportunity to try a ton of sports yet. So far Bryce has done 2 years of soccer and loves it. He isn't old enough to do basketball through school yet. But he is ready to try baseball.

I love my boys no matter what they do in their lives. That is all that really matters...isn't it?

Friday, February 13, 2009

sick, sick, sick

It's my turn to get sick. I have a terrible cough, low grade fever and runny nose. Just like the boys. I have been locked up in my house with 3 sick kids all week long....no wonder I have caught this crazy thing.

I cannot wait for spring to get here so I can open my windows and get rid of these germs.

This has been such a loooong winter. I am tired of looking at the snow and runny noses. I just think that the warm spell we had during the week was the end of the snow and now we are in for another snow storm tonight!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm back

I had my procedure done yesterday. Let me tell you....It was pretty painful. My meds didn't kick in until I was at home resting afterward.

The doctor told me that it was very hard to see into my uterus because of the amount of tissue in my uterus. He was able to look in the spot where tumors typically sit, but could not see much else. So he took the endometrial biopsy and I go next Wednesday for the results.

I am scheduled for a Total abdominal hyseterectomy. I am not a candidate for the vaginal hysterectomy. I guess the only good thing is that I will be in the hospital for 2 days to recoup. With 3 boys at home.....that is a blessing.

I'll let you all know how the biopsy appointment goes.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Job Offer

I applied for this job about a month ago. It is through the RAMP organization. Drew has a RAMP advocate that comes to his IEP meetings. Ramp advocates help people with disabilities find housing, jobs and helps children with disabilities to get the services that they need through their school district.

They just sent me an email with a job description for a full-time and a part-time position. They want me to answer three questions and my preference of which job I would like. The full time position has benefits, vacation time and all of the good stuff that comes with it, the part-time job has no benefits...but maybe I can drive bus and do this job in the middle of the day.

I contacted a Daycare center today and they do not do 1/2 days at their center. ( I only wanted Drew to do 4 1/2 days and 1 full day on Fridays) So it would cost $157 per week for him. When the boys are out of school I would have to pay $33 per day or $135 per week per child in the summer. That is so much money. I could stay home and do daycare for the amount of money that is left over after paying daycare.

I want this job so badly...I think it could lead into another job in the future and I would be helping kids and adults like my Drew. I just don't know if it is the time to do a job like this.

I have been asking myself all day today...Should I go for the full-time job or drive bus and go for the part-time position and see if I can do those together? I have too many decisions to make.

I am going to stew about this for another day or so before I get back to the Human Resources Director.

I am so nervous...

Tomorrow I am having a hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy at my gynes office. I am so nervous!!!!! I wasn't nervous until they handed me a sheet of paper of the different drugs you need to take before the procedure!!!!

I have to take:

Cytotec - One tab Tuesday morning, One tab Tuesday evening (this is for dilating the cervix)

Ativan - Take one tab on Tuesday evening before bed. Take one tab 1 hour before the procedure (this is an antianxiety, I don't know if I want to take this)

Vicodin- take before procedure (I refused this....I don't like what it does to my brain) I am taking 2 extra strenth tylenols instead

Some sort of nausea medication.....I am not taking this....I guess this is for the Vicodin.

Ketorolac- This is an injection that I need to bring to the office so they can inject me before the procedure. This is another pain medication

So I need to eat before the procedure so I don't get an upset stomach.

These medicines are scary sounding. At least the anti-anxiety and the injection are scary because I have never had them before.

I was telling my mom about the procedure and she said...."I had mine done in the hospital...I can't believe they are doing that in the office." Hello.....now I am scared.

On the plus side Bernie is taking the whole day off just in case the medicine makes me tired or sick. So he gets to take care of Drew all day.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sick Kids....AGAIN

Oh my, what a weekend. On Thursday evening Drew came down with a terrible cold. He had a low grade fever, cough and runny nose. He has been whiny and crabby for 3 days now. I did send him off to school because his fever is gone and his runny nose is much better.

On Friday, Alex my 10 year old came home from school and said he didn't feel very well. I took his temperature and sure enough 99.7 !!! On Saturday he started with the cough and runny nose. On Sunday, his fever was gone and he said he felt much better....so Bernie took him to his basketball game. After the game he said that it was so hard to run because he kept coughing. I sent him to school today and I got a call at 10am to come and pick him up because his fever was back. Mind you, he had just gone to PE class and they did basketball so he was running the whole time. He did look flushed and his temperature was only 99.1!!!! I went to pick him up because I know he wasn't feeling well.

Yesterday, Bryce came down with the COLD! Now he is running a low grade fever. I hope he feels much better tomorrow.

I'll have to let you all know more tomorrow.

Bus Driving here I come

I got the job!!! Like I said before "How hard can it be to drive a bus?" I will not be starting until August though. I am happy with that. I have to read the book and pass the written test for a CDL. After I pass that test, I will get "Learners permit" So my new boss told me that as soon as I get my learner's permit he will take me out a few hours per week to practice driving so I can do the driving test. After that I am good to go until I start in the fall.

My boys are so excited because they get to ride with me for part of the time at least. I am just happy to get out of the house each morning and afternoon. Being at home everyday makes me think the walls are coming in around me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today is the day

Today I have my interview. Wish me luck. I am not sure if I am ready to work outside of the home yet. Is the money going to be worth the sacrifice? I guess I will find that all out in a few hours.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Job prospect

Tomorrow I have an interview with my kids school district. It is an interview for driving bus. I guess I figure "How hard can it be to drive a bus?" I guess we will see. I haven't been to an interview in over 10 years. I don't even know what I should wear to a bus company? I am used to working in a office setting.

On the plus side the kids can ride with me and I will be home whenever there is no school. So that means I do not have to pay for daycare.

Wish me luck!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Spring where are you?

I am so tired of looking at snow. I know it is only the beginning of February, but what a winter we have had. I wonder did the ground hog see his shadow today? Are we in for 6 more weeks of winter?

We finally had 2 days of 30 degree F weather!!! What a heat wave. Alex, Bryce and Drew are getting cabin fever because we haven't had very many days above zero lately. They want to play outside so badly.

It looks like this week is going to be cold....but the weekend is supposed to warm up a bit. Yeah, maybe the boys can get some much needed outside time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wrong side of the bed!

My boys would not get out of bed this morning!!!! Bryce decided to take a 30 minute shower while...Alex is standing at the door yelling for him to get out. They just got finished eating their breakfast, making lunches and getting dressed and it was time for the bus to come. Phew!!!

I thought I had the boys out the door and Bryce comes back in crying "Alex, pushed me in the snow." So I asked him, "Why did he push you in the snow?" Bryce says, " I pushed him down the hill." Oh boy......I just explained to Bryce that you can't be pushing people down and expect them to like it. He just wanted me to yell at Alex.

Drew....oh my Drew....he snuck into the bathroom with the door locked and put lotion all over his body. He is so funny....I found him hiding in the bathtub. He wanted to take a bath....but his preschool bus was coming within a few minutes, so I rubbed in the hand lotion as best as I could and got him dressed....AGAIN. We just learned how to get our clothes off this past week.

I love my boys, but I can't handle mornings when they all wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Let's hope the rest of the day goes better than this morning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Job Prospect

I have been running a daycare out of my home for the last 7 years. One of the boys bus drivers asked me one day if I wanted to drive bus for the school district. I thought.....hmmm.....that would be fun...maybe and I can still be home for little Drew during the day.

I just got a call from the manager of the bus company. I go in for an interview next Wednesday. I'm not nervous...but I don't know what I am going to tell my daycare family. I will only have to work 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon and Drew can come on the bus with me. I will be off whenever the kids are off school and I will make more money than doing daycare.

I think I need to do this for my family. I just hope I don't loose a friend in the process when I tell them that I cannot watch their daughter anymore.

Naked Boy running around

I cannot keep clothes on Drew for anything.......

Drew is 3 years old and has recently been diagnosed with Autism and a chromosomal anomaly. He is a handful, but the sweetest little boy around.

He has had an issue with simple tasks such as taking his clothes off and putting them on. Just last week we worked on taking off his pants, pull-up and shirt. He just mastered it today. Everytime I turn around the boy is NAKED!!!